Amazing Medusa Piercings To Inspire You In 2024

by Tori Jones
Medusa Piercings

Medusa Piercing – a chic, edgy style statement that’s not for the faint-hearted. Also known as the ‘Philtrum’ piercing, this upper lip marvel has its roots in mythology, a nod to the notorious Gorgon herself. No, it won’t turn you into stone, but it will undoubtedly turn heads!

In this blog post, we’ll be delving deep into the Medusa underworld. I’ll be sharing everything you need to know about this daring, distinctive piercing. We’ll cover its history, the piercing process, how to choose the right jewelry, and the all-important aftercare. I’ll even dish out some pro tips to help you decide if this audacious addition to your personal aesthetic is the right fit for you.

What Is A Medusa Piercing?

The Medusa piercing is a charming addition to your facial features, resting centrally below the septum of the nose and above the upper lip. Since this vertical groove is medically known as the ‘Philtrum,’ it’s no surprise that this piercing is also called a Philtrum piercing.

Medusa Piercings
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I remember my first Medusa piercing session. The client was as nervous as a cat in a dog park, but once she saw the end result, she was absolutely thrilled. Her words still echo in my memory, “I never thought a tiny piece of jewelry could make such a dramatic difference.” Trust me, it does.

Double Medusa Piercing

Ever thought about jazzing up your Medusa with a bit more flair? Enter the Double Medusa piercing. With two perforations in the Philtrum area, you can mix and match with different jewelry styles. Remember that time when I dared myself and got the double? Yeah, I loved the puzzled looks I got when people tried to figure out if it was a single or double piercing!

Vertical Medusa Piercing / Jestrum Piercing

The Jestrum piercing, also known as the Vertical Medusa, brings a unique twist to the conventional Medusa. The Philtrum area is pierced vertically, creating two visible studs sitting on top of each other. It’s like having twins – double the trouble, double the fun!

What Happens During A Medusa Piercing?

Medusa Piercings
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Picture this: you’re sitting comfortably at the studio. Your piercer dons a fresh pair of latex gloves and sanitizes your skin with an antibacterial solution. After a swish of antiseptic mouthwash, it’s showtime.

A pen marks the exact entry point, and with a swift, careful motion, a hollow needle penetrates your Philtrum, guided from the inside-out. You feel a quick sting, but it’s over before you can say “Medusa.” A special tool threads the jewelry through the newly-created hole, and voila – your fresh Medusa piercing is all set!

Medusa Piercing Pain

Pain and piercings go hand in hand, but I assure you, the Medusa isn’t more painful than any other conventional lip or facial piercing. Sure, there’s a few moments of sharp discomfort as the needle glides through your skin, but that subsides quickly.

Post-piercing, expect some mild soreness and discomfort for a few days. That throbbing sensation? It’s your body’s healing mechanism kicking in! Slight bruising, swelling, or tenderness around the area is totally normal. Remember my anecdote about getting the double Medusa? Let’s just say ice was my best friend for a couple of days!

How Much Does A Medusa Piercing Cost?

Medusa Piercings
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How much is it to make a bold statement? The cost of a Medusa piercing fluctuates based on factors like the studio’s location and the piercer’s experience. Generally, you’re looking at a price range between $40 – $80.

What To Do Before Getting A Medusa Piercing

Proper preparation can make all the difference between a smooth-sailing piercing experience and a tumultuous one. Here are three essential steps for you:

  1. Brush your teeth: Kill the bacteria in your mouth with regular brushing, especially after consuming anything sugary.
  2. Floss: Reach the nooks and crannies that your toothbrush can’t with a good flossing routine.
  3. Use Mouthwash: Mouthwash is the final nail in the coffin for those pesky oral bacteria.

How Long Does a Medusa Piercing Take To Heal?

Healing times can vary from person to person. While some might take closer to 6 weeks, others might require up to 12 weeks for a complete heal. The external part of your piercing might seem healed in just a few days, but remember, the internal tissues take longer. Stick to proper aftercare until you’re absolutely certain it’s healed.

Medusa Piercings
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Medusa Piercing Aftercare

The first week of healing is crucial. Eat and drink cautiously to avoid irritation. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption as they can interfere with the healing process. Swimming and…sorry love birds, even kissing, should be avoided to prevent bacterial infections.

Medusa Piercing Swelling

Don’t fret if you notice some swelling around your Medusa piercing post-procedure. It’s common and depends on how your body reacts to such trauma. To accommodate any potential swelling, most piercers, myself included, use a longer barbell for the initial jewelry.

Cleaning A Medusa Piercing

A happy piercing is a clean one! Regular cleaning promotes fast and healthy healing, and most importantly, keeps infections at bay. In the end, your Medusa piercing should not only be a style statement but also a testament to your commitment to proper care and hygiene.

Cleaning the Inside and Outside

A word of advice from a seasoned expert: don’t pick at any crust or blood clinging to the wound; it’s a no-go. Been there, done that, and let’s just say it doesn’t end well. Instead, soak a cotton ball in warm water and gently dab it around the area. This gentle method will ease away the crust and keep the piercing clean without causing unnecessary pain.

Once you’ve done that, apply a small amount of cleaning solution (like a saline solution) to the jewelry and wound. Give it a good 30-60 seconds to do its job of sterilizing. This was a lifesaver for me when I got my Medusa piercing. It kept the area clean and infection-free.

Finally, gently blot the wound with warm water to rinse away any residue from the cleaning solution. A clean paper towel is your best bet for drying the area. They are bacteria-free, unlike fabric or cotton towels. And try to avoid makeup or creams on the area while it’s healing. They can cause irritation and hamper the healing process.

Recommended Aftercare Products

My personal favorite for aftercare? The After Inked Piercing Aftercare Spray. This stuff is a godsend! It’s vegan, alcohol-free, and additive-free, perfect for all skin types, even sensitive ones. It comes in a spray bottle for easy application. Plus, it helps reduce healing times and alleviates pain or soreness.

Medusa Piercings
@geauxgretchen Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Keeping the Inside of Your Medusa Piercing Clean

For the inside of your philtrum piercing, it’s all about swilling with an alcohol-free mouthwash after every meal for 30-60 seconds. This dislodges any food stuck in the hole and keeps the area disinfected. If you prefer an alternative, a non-iodized sea salt blend or saline solution works too. Don’t have any cleaning solution at hand? A quick swill with clean water right after your meal will do until you can clean it properly.

Medusa Piercing Infections

Medusa piercing infections are uncommon, but they can happen if the piercing isn’t taken care of properly. If you suspect an infection, don’t hesitate to get professional help immediately. Keep an eye out for symptoms like extreme redness, severe swelling, intense pain, and severe rashes or reactions around the wound.

Understanding The Risks

While Medusa piercings can be an appealing form of self-expression, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks and complications involved, and how you can minimize them.

  1. Infections: Even though Medusa piercing infections are quite uncommon, they can happen during the healing stages, especially if the piercing hasn’t been cared for properly. Regular cleaning, good hygiene, and avoiding contact with the piercing can reduce the likelihood of an infection.Signs of an infection may include persistent redness, swelling, severe pain, rashes or reactions, and unusual discharge like pus. If you notice any of these symptoms, don’t panic, but do act promptly. It’s crucial to get it treated by a medical professional as soon as possible.
  2. Tooth Erosion and Gum Recession: If the jewelry rubs against your teeth or gums, it could lead to tooth erosion or gum recession over time. Choosing the right size of jewelry and ensuring it’s properly positioned can help to minimize these risks.
  3. Scarring: Any piercing carries a risk of scarring, especially if it’s not cared for properly or if it gets damaged. Regular cleaning, being gentle with your piercing, and avoiding unnecessary friction or pulling can help to prevent scarring.
  4. Choosing a Reputable Piercer: One of the best ways to minimize potential risks is to choose a reputable, experienced professional for your piercing. They should maintain high hygiene standards and be able to advise you on proper aftercare. Don’t be shy about asking questions or voicing concerns. This is your body, and you have every right to ensure it’s in safe hands.

Remember, while there are risks involved, with proper care and attention, a Medusa piercing can be a safe and satisfying form of self-expression. Always keep an eye on your piercing during the healing process and don’t hesitate to seek medical attention if something doesn’t seem right. And above all, enjoy your new accessory and the uniqueness it brings to your appearance!

Medusa Piercing Jewelry

As for Medusa piercing jewelry, the options are endless! You can find everything from labret studs to balls, spikes, rings, and chains. The most common sizes for lip piercings are either a 16 gauge or an 18 gauge, but I would suggest consulting a professional if you’re unsure. Remember, your body is your canvas, and your piercing is your masterpiece. Choose your jewelry wisely and care for it meticulously!


In wrapping up, taking good care of your Medusa piercing is paramount for its successful healing. Make sure to clean both the inside and outside gently and regularly. A saline solution is your best friend in this process, and the After Inked Piercing Aftercare Spray can be a game-changer. Remember, your journey doesn’t stop after the needle has done its job; taking good care of your piercing is just as important!

But let’s not forget the risks. Infection, tooth erosion, gum recession, and scarring are possibilities, but with the proper care and attention, these risks can be greatly minimized. It’s all about being vigilant and respectful of the healing process. Never hesitate to reach out to a professional if you have concerns or if something doesn’t seem quite right.

Finally, choosing the right jewelry is a personal and fun part of the process! Enjoy the journey and remember, the world is your oyster when it comes to expressing yourself through body art.

This journey is your own personal adventure, and I’m here to help you navigate through it. Take this information, arm yourself with knowledge, and step into this exciting world of Medusa piercings with confidence. You’ve got this!

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