Can You Pierce Through Scar Tissue

by Tori Jones
Re-Pierced Through Scar Tissue

Today, we’re venturing into a territory that’s equally daunting and intriguing, an area that screams resilience—yes, we’re talking about getting re-pierced through scar tissue. Now, I hear your collective gasps, your soft whispers of “ouch,” but hang tight, because as your skin-etiquette guru, I promise it’s not as grim as it sounds. In fact, it’s a path tread by many—a testament to the courage and desire to reclaim our bodies, telling our stories anew through modifications.

Re-Pierced Through Scar Tissue Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Join me on this educational journey, where we’ll weave through professional insights, personal anecdotes, and some good ol’ tattoo humor, putting those rumors to rest, one piercing needle at a time. Let’s delve into the world of re-piercing through scar tissue, transforming our battle scars into beautiful new expressions of personal identity. Onward, my fellow body art aficionados!

When Would Re-Piercing be on the Cards?

From spontaneous removals followed by a forgetful shrug to more significant reasons like health issues or body changes—there are countless reasons why we part ways with our beloved piercings. I’ve had clients who’ve taken off their eyebrow rings during pregnancy and ones who had to part ways with their belly piercings due to surgeries. Or perhaps you were among the less fortunate ones whose bodies didn’t quite take to the piercing the first time around. Whatever your story, whatever your reason, it’s your journey, and re-piercing is a part of this personal narrative.

Re-Pierced Through Scar Tissue
@Kilian Seiler Via Unsplash – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Getting Re-Pierced Through Scar Tissue

Scar tissue—it’s the battle-hardened veteran of your skin, the keepers of stories past. Yes, it’s possible to navigate this terrain again. But here’s a Tori tip—never rush into it. Most piercings can typically be re-done through scar tissue, but there are some limitations and important considerations.

First, the health and condition of the scar tissue itself matter. If the scar tissue is extensive, very thick, or located in a sensitive area, it might be more challenging or potentially inadvisable to re-pierce. In some cases, a different location near the original site might be considered instead.

Second, the reason for the original piercing’s removal is crucial. If your body rejected the original piercing, there’s a risk that it might reject the new one as well, particularly if it’s in the same location.

Also, certain types of piercings, like cartilage piercings, often form keloids or hypertrophic scarring, which can complicate re-piercing.

Lastly, the individual’s overall health, healing capacity, and personal tolerance for pain play a role, as re-piercing through scar tissue can be more painful and potentially take longer to heal than the original piercing.

Always consult with a professional piercer to assess the specific situation and discuss the best options. They can provide advice based on their expertise and knowledge, considering the individual’s health, the scar tissue’s condition, and the desired outcome.

The Procedure

Re-Pierced Through Scar Tissue
@Cat Han Via Unsplash – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Your first move should be to partner with an experienced piercer. We assess the scar tissue and the surrounding area’s health, ensuring they’re robust enough to support a new piercing. Sometimes, we find that the piercing’s original exact spot isn’t suitable for re-piercing, especially if the initial removal was due to rejection or injury. In such cases, we look for alternatives, often opting to pierce beside the original location, sidestepping the pocket of scar tissue. Pain? Yes, there’s some—but it’s often reported as less painful than the first piercing, varying with the person and piercing location.

The Aftercare

A piercing is a delicate balance between creativity and responsibility. Aftercare, my friends, is just as important as the piercing itself. Your aftercare routine should mirror your original one—keeping the area clean and infection-free using a saline solution with sea salt and warm water. Interestingly, re-piercings often heal slightly quicker, as the internal channel of the original piercing remains.

The healing time for scar tissue before re-piercing can vary greatly from person to person. It depends on factors like the individual’s overall health, the location and size of the piercing, and how well the original piercing healed.

However, a general guideline that many piercing professionals follow is to wait at least three months after the original piercing has closed up and healed before attempting to re-pierce. In some cases, waiting for a longer period, such as six months to a year, might be recommended to ensure that the scar tissue has fully matured and stabilized.

Remember, everyone’s body heals at a different pace, and re-piercing through scar tissue can be a bit more complex. Therefore, always consult a professional piercer to determine the best course of action based on your individual circumstances. They can evaluate your scar tissue, provide a personalized timeline, and ensure that re-piercing is done safely and effectively.

Re-Pierced Through Scar Tissue
@Robin Gislain Gessy Via Unsplash – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 


When re-piercing through scar tissue, the type of jewelry you choose is just as crucial as the initial piercing process.

  1. Material: Opt for hypoallergenic materials to minimize any potential allergic reactions or infections. Titanium, surgical steel, niobium, and 14k gold are commonly recommended.
  2. Design: The design of the jewelry can also impact the healing process. Smooth, simple designs with fewer crevices are less likely to harbor bacteria, making them safer options while the piercing heals.
  3. Size: The size of the jewelry should account for potential swelling. Initially, your piercer might use a piece that is slightly longer or larger to accommodate any swelling that occurs. Once the piercing has fully healed, you can swap it out for a piece that fits more snugly.

Remember, choosing the right jewelry isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s a crucial part of ensuring your piercing heals correctly and stays healthy. Your piercer can provide personalized advice based on your body, the piercing location, and their professional experience. Always wait until the piercing has fully healed before changing the jewelry to avoid complications.

What Can Go Wrong?

Re-Pierced Through Scar Tissue
@MD Duran Via Unsplash – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Of course, as with any body modification, there are potential challenges. Scar tissue could require a shift in the piercing location, or previous rejections or allergies might influence your new piercing’s success. Remember, a piercing is only as successful as its aftercare—negligence can lead to infections and, in extreme cases, removal. But with professional guidance, good hygiene, and a little patience, your journey to re-piercing can be a truly rewarding one.


So there you have it, fellow body art enthusiasts—a deep dive into the transformative journey of re-piercing through scar tissue. Remember, every piercing, original or re-done, narrates a story of resilience and self-expression. Embrace your journey, but be patient, allowing your body to heal and prepare for a new chapter of adornment. Consult with a seasoned piercer who can navigate the unique terrain of your skin and guide you through the process safely. Bear in mind the potential risks and the crucial role of a robust aftercare regimen in your piercing’s success. Your piercings, like any form of self-expression, should bring you joy and confidence. So, armed with your newfound knowledge, why not consider rewriting a chapter of your unique body art story? The world of re-piercing beckons, ready to welcome you back with open arms, where old favorites meet new beginnings.

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