Can Catholics Get Tattoos In 2024

by Tori Jones
Catholic about Tattoo

Ever wondered if your rosary-inspired tattoo might raise an eyebrow or two at Sunday Mass? Or if that stunning rendition of St. Michael on your back has got some heavenly approval? This blog post is for you. We will delve into historical viewpoints, scriptural interpretations, and contemporary beliefs within the Catholic Church about tattoos.

Don’t worry, no holy water or confessional booths involved. Just a bit of ‘Tori-tude’ mixed with a whole lot of research and some hard-hitting facts. After all, I believe that every inking decision should be as well-informed as it is inspired.

Join me on this remarkable exploration, where art and faith share the same canvas. I promise it’ll be worth your while, no matter if you’re a die-hard tattoo fan, a curious Catholic, or someone who simply enjoys a good, enlightening read. So, let’s ink up our understanding together, shall we?

Catholic about Tattoo
@___soyboy Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Are Tattoos Forbidden by the Catholic Church?

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Speak to ten different Catholics about tattoos, and you might get ten different responses. Some see tattoos as an act that strays away from God’s vision, while others find no conflict between their ink and their faith. The Church has no explicit law against tattoos, but the views of its followers range widely.

In my experience, the crucial aspect for Catholics contemplating a tattoo is to align their choice of design with their enduring values. The artwork should reflect nothing that is immoral, Satanic, or contrary to Christian teachings. It’s a tip I give every client, regardless of their faith: Your tattoo should be a manifestation of who you are and what you stand for.

What Does the Catholic Church Say About Tattoos?

The religious views on tattoos are as varied as the faiths themselves. The Catholic Church’s stance, derived primarily from Biblical teachings, is an intriguing one. The Old Testament does caution against tattoos in Leviticus 19:28, “Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead, and do not tattoo yourselves. I am the Lord.”

However, the New Testament remains silent on the subject, leading many Catholics to believe that having tattoos is acceptable. I’ve had clients tell me how they consider their bodies the temple of God, a sacred creation not to be altered. For them, tattoos are a way to honor their faith and serve as visible reminders of their spiritual commitment.

Can a Catholic Priest Get a Tattoo?

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@_.artistr._ Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

For those wondering if their priest might join them in a tattoo parlor, there’s no law in the Church forbidding clergy from getting inked. That said, spotting a tattooed Catholic priest is as rare as finding a unicorn in your backyard!

Why is that? Well, remember that priests are revered figures who guide their flock. Tattoos weren’t a common practice until recently, and the older generation of priests typically steered clear of them. However, as younger priests rise in the ranks, we might see an evolution in views about clergy tattoos. Just like art, faith too can reflect the spirit of the times.

What Does the Pope Think About Tattoos?

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@amynguyenart Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Our modern Popes have been surprisingly open-minded about tattoos. Pope Francis, during various talks, has encouraged people not to fear tattoos. He sees them as conversation starters and markers of belonging. It’s a breath of fresh air to see a religious leader acknowledging the changing times and the ways the younger generation expresses its faith.

What’s the Right Way To Get a Tattoo as a Catholic?

When you’re a Catholic planning to get a tattoo, remember that it’s not just a commitment to body art, but a reflection of your faith too. The Catholic Church does not forbid tattoos, but it does uphold specific teachings.

Catholic about Tattoo
@jjrtattoos Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

So, avoid designs that could be interpreted as immoral or Satanic. Choose a tattoo that speaks of the values you identify with and wish to uphold. Above all, ensure that your tattoo does not portray your faith in a negative light.

Remember that time I had a client asking for a tattoo of St. George slaying the dragon? She saw it as a symbol of her ongoing battle against her personal demons, a vivid reminder of her faith and resilience. It’s such meaningful interpretations that can truly embody the harmony of tattoos and religion.

Tattoos can be more than just ink on skin; they can be a testament to your faith and a unique expression of your spiritual journey. So, here’s to thoughtful designs, faith-inspired ink, and the beautiful diversity of our tattoo community!

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Are There Any Designs That Are Specifically Forbidden?

The Catholic Church does not specifically forbid any tattoo designs. However, it emphasizes that the human body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and should be treated with respect and dignity.

That being said, while the Church doesn’t explicitly prohibit certain designs, there are general principles that Catholics are encouraged to follow. For instance, any design that is obscene, promotes hatred or violence, or contradicts the teachings of Christianity would be inappropriate. This could include symbols associated with Satanic rituals, offensive language, or imagery that demeans or objectifies others.

Furthermore, some people may argue that certain religious images may not be suitable for tattoos due to their sacred nature, depending on individual interpretations and personal beliefs.

When considering a religious-themed tattoo, it would be best to consult with a trusted religious leader or advisor to ensure the design aligns with your faith and its teachings. As always, the decision to get a tattoo should be made with thoughtfulness and discretion, considering both personal and spiritual implications.


As we wrap up our exploration of faith and ink, let’s remember the key points. The Catholic Church doesn’t explicitly forbid tattoos, but it urges respect for our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. If you decide to get a tattoo as a Catholic, let your choice of design reflect your enduring values and respect your religious teachings. Avoid anything that could be interpreted as immoral or contradictory to your faith.

Keep in mind that tattoos are a commitment—not only to your body but to the ideas and beliefs they represent. Be prepared for the journey of getting inked, from the moment of inspiration to the final healing stage. Make sure you are comfortable with every aspect, including potential risks and your chosen artist’s expertise.

And remember, while tattoos can indeed be meaningful symbols of your faith, they should never replace the true essence of your beliefs and practices. Your faith is much deeper than any physical mark could express. As Pope Francis suggests, let your tattoos open conversations, create connections, and maybe even become a unique form of modern faith expression.

Whether you’re contemplating your first tattoo or adding to your collection, remember to embrace this unique intersection of art and faith, making the experience as meaningful as the ink itself. Keep exploring, keep questioning, and most importantly, keep expressing your authentic self. After all, that’s what both faith and tattoo art are all about. Happy inking!

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