by Tori Jones
Men Tattoo

Greetings, dear tattoo enthusiasts! If you’ve found yourself in a contemplative mood, musing over your next impactful piece of body art, then you’ve landed at just the right spot. I’ve handpicked a bouquet of tattoo inspirations for those of you who believe the back is the perfect canvas for a statement piece.

Being one of the broadest, most flat surfaces on the human body, the back offers ample scope for intricate and attention-grabbing inkings. I’ve met plenty of clients in my time who have walked through the door with a spark of an idea and left with an incredible artwork etched across their back, narrating a story close to their heart.

I recall a young musician who wanted to pay homage to his musical journey. His decision? A complex, evocative piece that symbolized his relationship with music – right across his back. Or the free-spirited backpacker who sought to carry the world map with him wherever he traveled – and so he did, his back adorned with the continents he aimed to explore.

Choosing your back tattoo is indeed an exciting journey, one that combines personal creativity, storytelling, and an element of pride. Because when you settle on a design that resonates with your soul, it’s not just an aesthetic choice, it’s a piece of your identity you’re choosing to display to the world. So when you choose your back tattoo, make it a design you’d be thrilled to reveal. It’s your story, after all – why not wear it with pride?

Back Tattoo Ideas

Tribal Back Tattoo

Tribal Back Tattoo
@moneymitsy Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Consider tribal back tattoos. Originating from ancient cultures and symbolizing strength and unity, these tattoos have retained their charm over the years. I remember a man who walked into the shop one day, wanting a tattoo that echoed his warrior spirit. The sharp, curved lines of a tribal back tattoo was a perfect fit, its dynamic form accentuating his muscular physique and painting a robust, masculine picture.

Back and Neck

Back and Neck
@remybtattoo Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Back and neck tattoos are gaining momentum as well. They extend the back piece into a flowing design that graces the nape, offering an appealing continuity. The tattoos may feature an abstract pattern, a fierce animal, or even a detailed portrait, all chosen to tell a story or express an attitude. I recall a gentleman who decided to get a wolf tattoo extending from his back to his neck – a testament to his perseverance and strength.

Full Back Tattoo

Full Back Tattoo
@yogi_lumina Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Talking about commitment, nothing embodies this spirit quite like a full-back tattoo. They’re sizeable, elaborate, and definitely a labor of love. One customer embarked on a full-back tattoo journey, illustrating his life’s journey. With the help of mirrors, he’d marvel at the transformation – a narrative of his life unfolding over time.

Small Back Tattoo

Small Back Tattoo
@nadelnest.tattoo.piercing Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

For those of a more minimalist persuasion, small back tattoos can be a charming choice. They can be a word, an animal, or a symbol resonating with the wearer’s values. Take for instance, a fellow who chose a small compass tattoo, an ode to his love for travel and exploration.

Back and Half sleeve Tattoo

Back and Half sleeve Tattoo
@francotreachi Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Back and half sleeve tattoos offer a seamless blend of the back and arm canvases, often resulting in stunning masterpieces. One memorable client had a pair of angel wings extending from his shoulder blades to his biceps – a symbolic suit of armor representing his personal battles.

Upper Back Tattoo

Upper Back Tattoo
@_sou_rab_55 Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

The upper back is an enticing canvas for a myriad of reasons. It’s broad, smooth, and the perfect spot for name tattoos. A basketball fan once had his last name inked on his upper back, similar to how a player’s name appears on their jersey, adding a personal touch to his fandom.

Cross Back Tattoo

Cross Back Tattoo
@ill0_tt Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

The cross back tattoo is a significant choice for those with deep religious beliefs. It provides an expansive canvas to weave in personal details such as a favorite bible verse or Celtic knots. One man, devoted to his faith, had his children’s names incorporated within a cross tattoo, a testament to the deep love and faith that guides his life.

Wing Back Tattoo

Wing Back Tattoo
@goer4t_tattoo Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

The wings back tattoo often symbolizes spirituality, liberation, and personal growth. One customer, who had overcome numerous personal obstacles, had a pair of wings tattooed on his back, signifying his journey of self-discovery and liberation.

Angel Back Tattoo

Angel Back Tattoo
@morgaineanhael Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Angel back tattoos can carry a myriad of meanings. From archangels to guardian angels, these designs embody protection, purity, and strength. A war veteran I knew chose a guardian angel tattoo as a mark of resilience and hope through trying times.

Eagle Back Tattoo

Eagle Back Tattoo
@mojkaink Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

When it comes to animal motifs, the eagle back tattoo holds a special place. The eagle, with its magnificent flight and predatory prowess, is a symbol of freedom and power. A young man once came in asking for an eagle tattoo as a patriotic gesture, reflecting his American roots.

Dragon Back Tattoo

Dragon Back Tattoo
@lukeseventhson Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Dragon back tattoos are an ever-popular choice for their raw power and versatility. A European dragon, fire cascading across the shoulder blades, or a sinuous Chinese dragon could be a fantastic way to accentuate the contours of your back.

Japanese Back Tattoo

Japanese Back Tattoo
@tonycliftontattoos Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Finally, the vibrant imagery of Japanese back tattoos creates a stunning visual. Incorporating elements of nature and mythical creatures, these designs radiate an unmistakable aura of traditional artistry. One client commissioned a Japanese-inspired back piece featuring a Koi fish and cherry blossoms – an enduring testament to his perseverance and renewal.

Advice On Getting A Back Tattoo

he journey to your statement back tattoo begins with a critical decision – choosing the right artist. Do your homework – look up artists who specialize in the style you’re interested in, peruse their portfolios, and don’t shy away from asking questions about their experience and expertise. Good artists will always have a trail of happy clients, and positive reviews can be a reliable compass.

Once you’ve chosen your artist, it’s time to prepare for the actual tattooing process. Most artists will begin with a consultation where you discuss your design ideas, possible placements, and get a cost estimate. It’s a collaboration between you and the artist to create a design that captures your vision.

When the big day arrives, expect to spend a few hours at the studio, depending on the size and complexity of your design. The artist will start by placing a stencil on your back, giving you a preview of the tattoo’s placement and size. Then, with your approval, they’ll begin the inking process.

Here’s something to remember: tattoos involve needles piercing your skin, so yes, it’s going to hurt a bit. But hey, no great story ever came without a bit of a thrill, right? The pain level can vary based on your personal tolerance and the area being tattooed. But fear not, your artist will guide you through it, and most people find it more bearable than they initially imagined.

Post inking, your artist will provide detailed aftercare instructions. Proper care is crucial to prevent infection and ensure the tattoo heals well. Follow these to the letter, and before you know it, you’ll be flaunting your statement piece to the world. After all, a bit of discomfort is a small price to pay for a piece of art you’ll wear proudly for a lifetime!

Advice From Our Readers

“Every stroke on my back is a badge of the battles I’ve won,” shared Mike, a veteran who opted for a tribal back piece that signified strength and resilience. His tattoo was a testament to his time serving the country and the courage he carried through every ordeal. It wasn’t merely a design for him, but a narrative of his life etched in ink.

“Can you see the wings?” Anna asked, showing off a set of delicate wings stretching across her back. “These wings remind me that no matter how tough things get, I always have the ability to rise above.” Having overcome numerous personal hurdles, Anna’s tattoo symbolized her triumph over adversity.


In conclusion, dear readers, back tattoos offer a rich palette of expression, transforming the human back into a canvas that carries deeply personal narratives and symbolism. Like a book’s cover art, your back can provide an artistic reflection of the chapters in your life. The design and placement of the tattoo is a personal journey and the cost can vary widely, depending on the complexity, size and the expertise of the artist. Expect anywhere between a few hundred to several thousand dollars for a grand piece that spans across your back.

As for potential risks, the process is invasive and thus, not without its share of drawbacks. This can range from skin infections to allergic reactions, and even potential complications with MRI scans. A seasoned, professional tattoo artist will ensure the highest standards of hygiene, but it’s crucial to follow aftercare instructions diligently.

Lastly, remember the permanence of tattoos. As such, the decision to get one should be made with thoughtfulness, research and deliberation. Tattoos are an enduring commitment to a piece of art and the story it tells. Choose wisely, invest in a skilled artist, and the result can be a masterpiece that you’ll be proud to carry with you.

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