Eyebrow Piercing Ideas & Styles For 2024

by Tori Jones
Eyebrow Piercing

In this blog post, we’ll explore the various styles of eyebrow piercings, their origins, what to expect during the process, and most importantly, how to care for them post-piercing.

Eyebrow Piercing
@nathanieltinker Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

With my needle as my compass and decades of experience as my guide, I’m here to debunk myths and share insider secrets. Whether you’re a piercing enthusiast, a curious novice, or just an accidental wanderer, this exploration promises to be an enlightening expedition. So get ready to elevate your brow game, because it’s time to punctuate your style with that metallic glint.

By the end of this post, you’ll be equipped with a treasure trove of knowledge, from the classic eyebrow piercing to the anti-eyebrow, and the bridge to the T eyebrow piercing. Each has its own charm and specific aftercare instructions, which we will delve into in detail.

Just remember, an eyebrow piercing isn’t just a decoration—it’s a declaration. So come along and let’s journey into the edgy, artistic universe of eyebrow piercings, together. Prepare to be pierced by knowledge—painlessly, of course!

Seven Styles of Eyebrow Piercing

Before we set sail, allow me to share some wisdom on piercing care, drawn from my many years as a tattoo artist and piercing advocate. Firstly, before touching or cleaning your piercings, always ensure your hands are sparkling clean. Secondly, avoid using harsh antiseptics like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. They can hinder healing by killing new cells along with potential infections. Instead, opt for a gentle cleaning agent like benzalkonium chloride (Bactine) or liquid antibacterial soap. Now, with these best practices fresh in your mind, let’s delve into our tour of eyebrow piercings!

1. Vertical Eyebrow Piercing

Vertical Eyebrow Piercing
@jennyhallo13 Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

The vertical eyebrow piercing, the poster child of eyebrow piercings, typically involves two holes straight through the eyebrow ridge. It’s an enduring classic, but like all surface piercings, it carries the risk of migration. This is where the body attempts to reject what it perceives as a foreign object. My first eyebrow piercing migrated after just a few weeks. But fear not, there are ways to reduce the risk. Ensure you’re not allergic to the piercing metal, maintain a healthy diet, manage stress, and consider a multivitamin with zinc and vitamin C!

2. Horizontal Eyebrow Piercing

Horizontal Eyebrow Piercing
@piercingcph Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

The horizontal eyebrow piercing rests (as the name suggests) in a horizontal position above the eyebrow bridge. But don’t feel boxed in by convention! I’ve seen clients choose unique locations and jewelry, which all add to the piercing’s charm. As long as your piercer gives the green light, you can make your piercing as unique as you.

3. Multiple Eyebrow Piercings

Multiple Eyebrow Piercing
@leftfieldtattoo Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Why stop at one when you can have more? Multiple eyebrow piercings are a popular choice for those who want to push the envelope. Be warned though, multiple piercings require extra care due to the skin’s delicate nature. Always ensure each piercing has fully healed before adding new jewelry.

4. Bridge Piercing

Bridge Piercing
@gypsy_girl_gems Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Stepping away from the eyebrow, we have the bridge piercing, located on either side of the nose bridge. Despite the look of it, it doesn’t penetrate bone, just skin, which can make for a relatively pain-free experience. However, the subsequent swelling might have you reaching for the ice pack.

5. Anti-Eyebrow Piercing

Anti-Eyebrow Piercing
@rino_piercing Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Not technically an eyebrow piercing, the anti-eyebrow still falls within the same category. This one sits below the eye, mirroring the eyebrow’s position. I’ve seen some clients place it closer to their noses, further demonstrating the personalization options. Salt water or saline packs can be excellent aids for cleaning and speeding up the healing process.

6. T-Eyebrow Piercing

T-Eyebrow Piercing
@magictattooshop Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

The T-eyebrow piercing is a blend of horizontal and vertical piercings, forming a T shape. This one’s perfect for those who love both styles, or those looking for something slightly different. With the piercing holes close together, diligent aftercare is crucial.

7. Spiral Eyebrow Piercing

Spiral Eyebrow Piercing
@charmstudio_official Via Instagram – Want your tattoo to look brighter? Try tattoo balm 

Finally, the spiral eyebrow piercing, a more elaborate version of the vertical style. Here, a single piece of jewelry twists through multiple holes, creating a spiral effect. This option requires patience, as it might take between three months to a year before you can safely change the jewelry. But trust me, it’s worth the wait!

There you have it! Seven unique and exciting eyebrow piercing styles to consider. Remember, everyone’s journey with body art is personal. So go out there and find the one that truly resonates with you. Happy piercing!

What Are The Risks

Like all forms of body modification, eyebrow piercings come with their own set of potential risks and complications. It’s important to be aware of these before making the decision to get a piercing. Here are the main risks associated with eyebrow piercings:

  1. Infection: One of the most common risks with any piercing is infection, especially if the piercing isn’t cleaned properly or regularly, or if you touch it with dirty hands. Symptoms of infection can include redness, swelling, pain, and discharge from the piercing site.
  2. Migration and Rejection: Migration is when a piercing moves from its original location, which can lead to an undesired aesthetic outcome or even complete rejection where the body pushes the piercing out entirely. Surface piercings, such as eyebrow piercings, are more prone to migration and rejection due to the small amount of tissue in which the jewelry sits.
  3. Allergic Reaction: Some people may have an allergic reaction to the metal used in the piercing jewelry, especially if it contains nickel. Symptoms can include itching, redness, swelling, and rash.
  4. Scarring and Keloids: If a piercing is removed or if the body rejects it, it can result in a scar. Some people are more prone to heavy scarring or keloids, which are raised scars that grow larger than the original wound.
  5. Damage to Nerves or Blood Vessels: While rare, there is a small risk that the piercing could damage nerves or blood vessels in the eyebrow area, which could lead to complications.
  6. Tearing or Snagging: Due to their location, eyebrow piercings can easily catch on clothing, towels, or hair brushes, which can cause tearing or injury to the pierced area.

Remember, the best way to mitigate these risks is by seeking out a reputable, professional piercer who adheres to all hygiene standards, and by following their aftercare instructions diligently. Additionally, consider your lifestyle and be prepared to accommodate the needs of a new piercing to ensure its best chance at healing properly.

What materials are used for eyebrow piercings?

yebrow piercings, like most body piercings, can be done with a variety of materials, depending on individual preference and potential allergies. It’s crucial to choose high-quality, body-safe materials to minimize the risk of complications such as allergic reactions, infections, or rejections. Here are the most common materials used for eyebrow piercings:

  1. Surgical Stainless Steel: This is a popular choice for initial piercings due to its hypoallergenic properties. It’s durable and less likely to cause an allergic reaction, making it a safe choice for many people.
  2. Titanium: This is another hypoallergenic material that is safe for most people to wear. It’s lightweight and comes in a variety of colors. It’s also extremely durable and resistant to scratches and tarnish.
  3. Gold: Gold, specifically 14 or 18 karat, can be used for eyebrow piercings. However, it’s important that the gold is solid and not plated, as gold-plated jewelry can flake and cause irritation. Note that gold is softer than other materials and might scratch more easily.
  4. Niobium: Niobium is a metal that’s very similar to titanium, but it’s even less likely to cause an allergic reaction. It’s also more malleable, meaning it can be made into a variety of shapes.
  5. Bioflex or PTFE: These are types of plastic that are often used for eyebrow jewelry. They’re flexible and can be more comfortable than metal, particularly during the healing process. They’re also less likely to get caught on clothing or hair. However, they’re not as durable as metal and may need to be replaced more frequently.

When choosing the material for your piercing, it’s important to consider your own sensitivities or allergies, as well as the advice of your professional piercer. As a general rule, higher quality materials may cost more but are often worth the investment for the health and longevity of your piercing.

How long does it take for an eyebrow piercing to heal?

The healing time for an eyebrow piercing can vary significantly depending on individual factors such as your overall health, how well you care for the piercing, and even your body’s unique healing process. Generally, an eyebrow piercing will take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks to heal on the shorter end, and up to 3 months or more on the longer end.

During this healing period, it’s crucial to properly care for the piercing to prevent infection and promote healing. This involves cleaning the area regularly with a saline solution, avoiding touching the piercing with dirty hands, not changing the jewelry prematurely, and refraining from applying cosmetics or skincare products near the area.

Additionally, it’s important to understand that while the outer skin may appear healed within the first few weeks, the tissue inside is still healing. As a result, it’s advisable to continue with your aftercare routine for the entire recommended healing period, and to consult with your professional piercer if you have any questions or concerns.

Finally, everyone’s body heals at a different rate. If your piercing seems to be taking longer to heal than the average time, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem. However, if you’re worried or if you notice signs of infection, such as persistent redness, swelling, pain, or unusual discharge, you should definitely seek professional advice.


As we navigate through the diverse landscape of eyebrow piercings, it’s clear that the world of body art extends beyond skin deep. Eyebrow piercings, with their varying styles, offer an exciting avenue for personal expression, acting as a visual testament of your uniqueness. It’s imperative to remember that each style comes with its own considerations on placement and cost, generally ranging anywhere from $20 to $70. However, the most exotic styles like the Spiral could set you back more due to the intricate work involved.

Though it’s an exhilarating journey, it’s not without its share of bumps. Migration, infections, or allergic reactions to the metal are some potential risks. This makes it crucial to work with an experienced piercer who can guide you to the best metal choice and provide detailed aftercare instructions. And remember, the body art journey is deeply personal. No matter the style or placement you choose, what truly matters is that it resonates with you.

As you embark on your body art journey, bear in mind the wisdom of seasoned travelers: the road less traveled can often be the most rewarding. Whether you choose the path of the Vertical or Horizontal, Bridge or Multiple, Anti-Eyebrow or T, or the Spiral, your eyebrow piercing journey is certain to be a remarkable one. Your face is your canvas; how you choose to adorn it is a testament to your unique style and identity. Remember, each piercing you choose is a reflection of your personality. So wear them with confidence, wear them with pride. After all, it’s your journey—make it count. Safe travels, my fellow body art explorers!

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