Dealing with Greasy Hair: 3 Simple Tricks to Fix It in 2024

by Zoe Scott
Why Does My Hair Get Greasy So Fast

Today, we’re diving into a frustratingly familiar topic for so many of us—why does our hair get greasy so quickly? You wash it, it looks fabulous, and then, boom, you’re back to grease central just like that. Sound familiar? This post breaks down the science behind oily hair, exploring factors like sebum production and texture. I’ll also share some game-changing tips and products that helped me extend that fresh-out-of-the-shower look. Trust me, you don’t have to be a slave to your shampoo bottle. Stick around to find out why!

The Real Deal on Oily Hair

Why Does My Hair Get Greasy So Fast
@Element5 Digital via Unsplash

Hey, gorgeous people! We’ve all been there—spending time to wash, style, and flaunt our hair, only to find it turns into a greasy mess faster than you can say “dry shampoo.” Today, let’s uncover those little slip-ups and habits that could make your locks limp and oily. Spoiler: It’s not always your shampoo’s fault!

Shampoo Showdown

Clean It Like You Mean It

Why Does My Hair Get Greasy So Fast
@cottonbro studio via Pexels

First off, let’s chat about shampooing. Remember the incredible feeling after a salon wash? That’s because the stylist is working that shampoo, honey! The secret is a thorough scalp scrub and reaching every nook and cranny. So, channel your inner hairdresser and scrub-a-dub-dub next time you’re lathering up!

The Magic of Water

Here’s a hack I swear by: if your shampoo isn’t lathering up well, don’t go pouring more. Just add a splash of water! It boosts your shampoo’s power without wasting product or weighing down your locks.

Wash Wisely

Why Does My Hair Get Greasy So Fast
@Erick Larregui via Unsplash

Overwashing can backfire big time. Your scalp’s like, “Hey, where’d all my oils go?” and then goes into overproduction mode. I align my hair-washing days with my gym schedule or social events to give my hair some chill time.

Conditioner Conundrums

The Right Amount, Right Place

Okay, listen up. I see this mistake all the time—conditioner overload. You really only need it from the mid-lengths to the ends. And please rinse it out thoroughly for the love of good hair unless you’re working with a leave-in.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Why Does My Hair Get Greasy So Fast
@Karolina Grabowska via Pexels

Your BFF’s holy-grail product might not be your hair’s cup of tea. Trust me, I’ve been there, and it led to a greasy disaster. Talk to your stylist about what suits your hair type. If salon brands are out of your budget, don’t sweat; your stylist can recommend affordable options at Target or the drugstore.

Product Pitfalls

The Dry Shampoo Dilemma

Don’t get me wrong, dry shampoo is my lifesaver on lazy days. But don’t swap it for an actual wash too often—it can lead to build-up and an even greasier situation.

Habits to Break

Hands Off the Mane

Why Does My Hair Get Greasy So Fast
@Tim Mossholder via Unsplash

I was a chronic hair-toucher until I realized my hands were the culprits behind my greasy strands. Keep those hands busy elsewhere and let your hair do its thing.

A Clean Sleep

Invested in a silk pillowcase? Fabulous! Just remember it needs TLC, too. A dirty pillowcase is like a magnet for oils and residue. Whether it’s silk or good old cotton, wash it weekly, folks.

Brushing Basics

To Brush or Not To Brush

Why Does My Hair Get Greasy So Fast
@Ron Lach via Instagram

Alright, there’s a fine line here. Brushing too little? Your hair gets tangled and sad. Brushing too much? You’re distributing oils all over, making it greasier and faster. Find your brushing sweet spot—it’ll make a world of difference.

There you have it—my comprehensive guide to keeping that oily hair at bay. You can’t change your scalp’s natural tendencies, but can manage them better. Now go flaunt that fabulous hair!

Affordable Hair Products I Recommend In 2023!

Great hair doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag! Stylists often recommend a range of products that can be found at your local drugstore or online, and here are some tried-and-true affordable picks that are stylist-approved:


  1. Neutrogena Anti-Residue Shampoo: Perfect for a weekly deep clean to eliminate all that product build-up.
  2. Aveeno Pure Renewal Shampoo: Sulfate-free and fabulous for daily use, especially for sensitive scalps.


  1. TRESemmé Keratin Smooth Conditioner: Offers a salon-quality finish and controls frizz like a champ.
  2. Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Conditioner: Great for coarse or curly hair and smells fantastic!

Leave-in Conditioners & Treatments:

  1. Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Repair Cream: Excellent for curly or textured hair.
  2. It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-In Product: A multi-purpose spray that does everything from detangling to adding shine.

Styling Products:

  1. Herbal Essences Set Me Up Gel: A lightweight gel that won’t crunch your hair.
  2. John Frieda Frizz Ease Extra Strength Serum: Tames frizz and adds a glossy finish.

Dry Shampoos:

  1. Batiste Dry Shampoo: Comes in various scents and even tinted versions to match your hair color.
  2. Not Your Mother’s Clean Freak Refreshing Dry Shampoo leaves zero residue and gives you that just-washed look.

Heat Protectants:

  1. L’Oréal Paris Advanced Hairstyle SLEEK IT Iron Straight Heatspray: Protects up to 450°F and gives a sleek finish.
  2. Aussie Heat Protectant Spray + Leave-In Conditioner: A two-in-one product that’s easy on the wallet.

Remember, what works for one person might not work for another, so it might take experimenting to find your holy-grail products. But these affordable options are a great starting point. Happy shopping!

How Often Should A Silk Pillowcase Be Washed?

The silk pillowcase is a luxurious game-changer for your skin and hair! But when it comes to keeping it clean, the guidelines differ slightly from your standard cotton pillowcase. Most experts recommend washing a silk pillowcase every week if it’s what you’re sleeping on nightly.

You can’t just throw silk in the washing machine with your jeans and towels. Silk needs a little extra TLC. Most brands recommend a gentle hand wash in cold water using a silk-friendly detergent. If you must use a washing machine, make sure it’s on the delicate cycle, and it’s not a bad idea to put the pillowcase in a mesh laundry bag for added protection.

Air-drying is typically the way to go. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain the color and quality of the fabric. Oh, and stay far, far away from the iron! If you need to smooth out some wrinkles, use a steamer or an iron on the “silk” setting, and always iron on the inside of the pillowcase to prevent potential fabric damage or discoloration.

Washing your silk pillowcase regularly will prolong its life and benefit your skin and hair by keeping it clean. Trust me, once you go silk, you’ll wonder how you slept without it! Sweet dreams! 

4 Simple Brushing Techniques That Can Help Manage Oily Hair

Oh, you bet! Brushing seems simple enough, but how you brush can make a difference if you’re dealing with oily hair. The goal is to distribute the natural oils from your scalp down to the ends, making your hair look shinier and healthier without making it look like a greaseball.

The Right Brush

First off, let’s talk about the brush. Boar bristle brushes are fantastic for oily hair because they pick up natural oils from the scalp and distribute them evenly. They’re a bit pricier than plastic bristle brushes, but trust me, it’s an investment worth making.

The Technique

  1. Start at the Scalp: Unlike detangling, where you’d start at the ends and work your way up, for oil distribution, you start at the scalp.
  2. Short Strokes: Use short strokes to move the oils a few inches down the hair shaft.
  3. Long Strokes: Once you’ve done the short strokes, switch to longer strokes, going from the root down to the ends. This helps spread the oils along the entire length of your hair.
  4. Section Your Hair: If you have thick or long hair, consider dividing it into sections for more effective brushing.

Bonus Tips

  • Don’t Overdo It: Brushing too much can stimulate the scalp to produce more oil. A few strokes are usually enough.
  • Clean Your Brush: Do you want to avoid returning yesterday’s grime to your freshly washed hair? Make it a habit to clean your brush at least once a week.


And there we have it, lovelies! From shampoo hacks to brushing basics, we’ve covered the A to Z of why your hair might get greasy faster than you’d like. Remember, it’s all about balance. Refrain from overwashing; don’t rely on dry shampoo as your savior. The right products and techniques can make all the difference—trust me, I’ve learned the hard way, so you don’t have to. If you’ve been battling oily hair, try mixing up your routine with some tips. It’s a game-changer! Thanks for hanging with me today, and here’s to many good hair days ahead. Stay fabulous!

Feature Image Photo By Bennie Lukas Bester on Pexels

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